Purposes of Blogs

the purpose of a new blog to show you latest activity that happening in the world

The purpose of the Cadbury blog is to try to make you buy all of the different types of Cadbury chocolate

this  show type  of blog and its information for the blog
Purpose of my blog to show different blog in multiples media and give I idea


  1. You have set up your Blog, shown links and screenshots of at least three different blogs, and explained purposes of at least three different blogs. To complete what is required for your first assignment, you need to say how your research has helped give ideas for how your own blog could look; to , explain the purpose of your own blog, to explain at least three different things to consider when making a blog or blog post.

    1. yes I understand what to do

    2. Well done Abdullah - you have done the extra work and everything for this first assignment is now complete.


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